Thank you to Dr. Ben Baumner for providing materials as reference as I prepared this course reader.
Thanks to the Hugo projects for providing the infrastructure for this site. Thank you to the team that created Hugo Learn Theme, the basis of this reader.
Packages and libraries
- mermaid - generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown
- font awesome - the iconic font and CSS framework
- jQuery - The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library
- lunr - Lunr enables you to provide a great search experience without the need for external, server-side, search services…
- horsey - Progressive and customizable autocomplete component
- clipboard.js - copy text to clipboard
- highlight.js - Javascript syntax highlighter
- modernizr - A JavaScript toolkit that allows web developers to use new CSS3 and HTML5 features while maintaining a fine level of control over browsers that don’t support