

For our worksheet today, we are going to be tinkering with comma_split() again, this time doing some benchmarking. Our goal by the end is to try and optimize the function to be a tad faster.

Our Test Case

For the worksheet today, you will need to load in the class survey data, you can do so by running the following:

survey = readRDS(url(""))

You will also need to have a copy of the comma_split() function. No need to work inside a package today.

comma_split = function(vector_to_split, possible_columns){
  # make a base dataframe with rows for each of our cases.
  output = data.frame(
    "id" = 1:length(vector_to_split)
  # iterate through all options and create a column with NAs for it
  for(option in possible_columns){
    # make a new column with a character version of each possible option.
    output[, as.character(option)] = NA
  # fill output df
  for(option in possible_columns){
    # fill dataframe iterativly.
    output[ , option] = grepl(option, vector_to_split, = TRUE)
  # clear all know options
  for(option in possible_columns){
    # remove all known options
    vector_to_split = gsub(pattern = option, vector_to_split, replacement = "", = TRUE)
  # clear commas and whitespace
  vector_to_split = gsub(pattern = ",", vector_to_split, replacement = "", = TRUE)
  vector_to_split = trimws(vector_to_split)
  # Fill in "other"
  output$other = vector_to_split
  # Turn blanks into NAs
  output[output$other == "" & !$other), "other"] = NA
  # return output

Making a Plan & Baseline

The comma_split() as it is now is alright; room for improvement, but not bad. For example, you can see that we pre-allocate space for our output rows in the dataframe by making an ID column of the appropriate length, so we aren’t appending anything. However, there are a few ways to improve things.

Before we go about making improvements however, we need to set a baseline. To do so, we are going to use bench::mark() to get a sense of how long our code takes to run now.

Use bench::mark() to run comma_split() on a column from the class survey. Run at least 500 iterations using the iterations argument.

  comma_split(survey$pets, possible_columns = c("dog", "cat", "fish", "bird", "reptile", "rock", "none"))
}, iterations = 500)

Make Some Improvements

No that we have an idea of how long the code takes now, we are going to start tinkering. Refer to the list of hints below (and in lecture slides) for ideas of things to focus on.

Rules of Thumb for efficient code:

  • Don’t repeat yourself!
  • Subset data to only what you will use before running analyses (no need to analyse data that will be tossed out)
  • Pre-specify anything you can (e.g. manually set levels in factors, column names when reading in large data, what method you want for generic functions)
  • Pre-allocate for outputs (never amend to lists/dataframes)
  • Always work in a vector if possible (don’t work on individual values at a time)

Create a new version of comma_split() that attempts to speed it up, called comma_split_2(). There are a few ways you can attempt this. Once you have created your improved function, benchmark it to see if your changes had the intended effect.

comma_split_2 = function(vector_to_split, possible_columns){
  # make list of results
  splits = lapply(possible_columns, FUN = function(option, vector_to_split){
    return(grepl(option, vector_to_split, = TRUE))
  }, vector_to_split)

  # add names
  names(splits) = possible_columns

  # clear all know options
  for(option in possible_columns){
    # remove all known options
    vector_to_split = gsub(pattern = option, vector_to_split, replacement = "", = TRUE)
  # clear commas and whitespace
  vector_to_split = gsub(pattern = ",", vector_to_split, replacement = "", = TRUE)
  vector_to_split = trimws(vector_to_split)
  vector_to_split[vector_to_split == ""] = NA
  # Fill in "other"
  splits[["other"]] = vector_to_split
  # turn to df
  class(splits) = "data.frame"
  attr(splits, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(test[[1]]))
  # return output

  comma_split(survey$pets, possible_columns = c("dog", "cat", "fish", "bird", "reptile", "rock", "none"))
}, iterations = 500, time_unit = "ms")

  comma_split_2(survey$pets, possible_columns = c("dog", "cat", "fish", "bird", "reptile", "rock", "none"))
}, iterations = 500, time_unit = "ms")